God’s Promise

Before we can understand the fullness of God’s Promise I feel that I need to take one step backwards in order for us to go two steps forward today…


We first have to go back to an understanding of God’s desire when it comes to us.  God created mankind in His image and likeness and He walked with them in the perfection of relationship in the peace of Eden’s garden.  The idea of perfection to God is a place that includes both relationship and location.


He put in our souls a great need to be in a fulfilling relationship with God that includes seeing His very face, being in the same space not only spiritually but also physically.


And the only place where we can enjoy both of those together is a place that is void of sin, and darkness, and devastation. When we consider the scope of Scriptures – in the beginning God created this perfect relationship in the perfect place and He entrusted it to our care, and we were disobedient and unaccountable, So we were sent away.


Mean God?  No; loving God! He was not content, nor could He be content with us being a part from Him physically forever.


There was another tree available in the middle of the Garden – the tree of life.


  • The relationship still would have had spirit (We have access to God through prayer, etc…)
  • It would have lacked the face (The physical ability to be in the full presence of God)


When we bookend the Bible we get to Revelation 21:1-6; 21:22-22:5 (read it)


God took John away in the spirit (He could not yet see His face) to give him a glimpse of the fulfillment of the ultimate promise. Every one of God’s promises between Genesis 3 and Revelation 21 are hints at how God will make all things new and restore not only a spiritual relationship with Him, but an eternal and Physical one, a place where we’ll have access to the tree of life and the face of God!


God does NOT want us to merely have knowledge about Him, He wants us to KNOW Him and that requires more than a one-time decision, it requires a committed relationship.


That’s what God wants! Should it be surprising that He would ask commitment out of us?  Look at our text again in 2 Chronicles 7:14


“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

God promise is all about restoring relationship with Him… Let’s consider three signposts of that restored relationship…

Live For The King
Live For The King
God's Promise